Welcome to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!

We are thrilled you’re thinking about visiting us. The best way to get to know what we’re about is to join us on Sunday morning for worship (10:30am).
We’re a church that believes that you should come as you are both physically and spiritually.
First, this means that coming is more important than what you wear.
Second, we want you here and no matter were you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome.
Good Shepherd is a Christian congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, in the Sierra Pacific Synod.
This means that we are part of a network of nearly 10,000 churches in the United States with 200 churches in northern California and Nevada. We all share a passion for joining God’s Kingdom activity in the world.
Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ.
We are a church that is firmly committed to the Scriptures of the Old & New Testament and the Sacraments.

Welcome to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. We want YOU here.
We believe that Christ has made us one body with many members, sharing in God’s grace and unconditional love.
We joyfully welcome ALL people without exception and believe that they have unique and valuable insights for the Church, including people of every age, sex, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, economic position, physical or mental ability, those who are strong in faith, and those questioning.
Children are especially welcome and celebrated here at Good Shepherd. We understand that children are children: they make noise; they run around; they like to play games; they cry on occasion. This bothers the family of the crying child more than it does us as a community. So please feel free to join us in worship with your children, noise and all.
We invite everyone to join with us in worship, learning, fellowship, prayer, and service.
We’re glad you’re here!
Worship begins at 10:30am
(Welcome video has the old time of 9:00am)