We package gallon ziplock bags with shelf stable food that can be eaten without the need for a kitchen. The majority of the bags are given out by The Coordinated Outreach Referral Engagement team (CORE). CORE works to engage and stabilize homeless individuals living outside, through consistent outreach to facilitate and/or deliver health and basic needs services and secure, permanent housing. Additionally, members of our congregation distribute bags that are made available in the entrance to the sanctuary.
How Can I Help?
Volunteer To Assemble Blessing Bags:
Distribute Blessing Bags:
Stop by Good Shepherd on Sunday morning and pick up a blessing bag in the sanctuary entrance. When you see someone who is looking for assistance give them the bag. You can be sure you have given a high calorie meal to those are asking for help.
Donate Items: Here is a list of what we can use on a regular basis to make our Blessing Bags. Download the photo below or click HERE for a pdf to print for your home.